Dec 31, 2008


Where did the time go? Here are some of the things we did and accomplished in '08. Somethings are still a work in progress. Some are just random things that seemed like really big events at the time. 
  • We finally stopped planning it and did it...put in the pool we've always wanted 
  • County Cheerleading not me, but Princess #2 and the Varsity team at school
  • Princess #1 Graduated High School...was accepted into the college she wanted to go to and played her last soccer game :(
  • Princess #2 started her Senior Year and applied to college(s)
  • One in college, one in high school and one in middle school... not too long ago it was elementary, middle school, high school
  • Princess #1 sailed around the British Virgin Islands for an entire week (spring break) with 7 friends and only packed a small over night bag. I was amazed at that.
  • Started the "Big Clean Out" -  can't tell you how many bags of stuff we have taken to Goodwill
  • Princess #3 got her braces off
  • Princess #1 had her wisdom teeth removed
  • Took #1 and #2 to New York for some mom and daughter time, remind me to tell you the Regis and Kelly story one day
  • the Man of the House insisted on wearing his NC State Red to orientation at UNC Chapel Hill (don't tell him, but we think he looks better in Carolina Blue)

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