Jan 13, 2009


Dancing Shoes

 Now and Then

Girl Bling



My oldest daughter had a month break from school and on Sunday it sadly came to an end. The Big Packing Event began sometime Saturday afternoon and continued up until the time she left on Sunday. I am still not sure why so many pairs of shoes and outfits had to come home for Christmas. I guess she is 100% girl and all of those things are like a security blanket. 

The Man of the House and I have had cleaning out the attic on our To Do list forever....embarrassingly too long. On Sunday we planned to spend a little time up there, to sort of get the ball rolling and hope to finish up over the next few weekends. There is A LOT of stuff to go through. It is stacked, crammed and unorganized. After taking inventory I realize that the majority of the stuff is child related, whether it be stuffed animals, toys, snow boots (unworn because it never snows here), clothes, furniture and so on. We have enough Little Tikes inventory up there to start a daycare! I have a hard time letting go of these things because I know their story. I remember exactly where they were all purchased or who gave it to us, which princess it belonged to and where it was worn. I for some reason just can't seem to remember to make the long over due doctor's appointment but I can remember the look on the little princesses when they unwrapped that toy that now sits in the attic all alone. I remember the look on their faces as they rounded the corner on Christmas morning discovering all of those things. I tucked in all of those stuffed animals as the princesses snuggled with them many years ago. I remember it all, or should I say, I feel it all. Although these are just things, junk to a lot of people, they bring back so many sweet memories for me and so many feelings. So perhaps I should understand my daughter a little more when it comes to HER security blankets (aka all of those  shoes she carts back and forth from school), the stuff that makes her feel good. The stuff in our attic is our history, it is MY security blanket. It is what makes me feel good. I guess that makes me 100% mom.

While I was in the attic I was going through a bag of  clothes....little princess clothes...trying to decide what I could part with and what I had to keep.  I could hear #1 below me, moving around in her room, while she packed up her things for school. I had one of those mom moments while holding up a little Kelly's Kids jumper that every one of my children wore.

 It was so tiny and sweet. I envisioned #1, one floor below me, holding up something and trying to decide if she could bare to leave home without it. There are many years that fall between those two pieces of clothing that we happened to be holding up at the same time. There was just one floor between us, but in that instance, so many years. Where did all the time go? Who stole all the years between that Kelly's Kids jumper and that college sweatshirt? All of those years are packed away, up there in the attic. Treasures no doubt!

Their Favorite Kindergarten  Dress

Sunday School Shoes


Getting It Together


Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Welcome blogger friend. I can totally relate!!! You should see my basement. It is frightful. All those memories stored down there and it is so hard to give it up. I did give away all the big Little Tykes items many years ago and now I could kick myself. I wish I had them for grandchildren down the road someday. Oh well, I'll just have to buy new stuff. I have boxes of clothes, children's shoes, enough stuffed animals to open a toy store. It's a "MOM THING". I think I have every paper that my girls ever did at school, artwork from as far back as pre-school. You would love this, I found a story my oldest daugher wrote about the kind of husband she wanted and I framed it and put it out on the table at her wedding reception. It was the hit of the reception! So cute!!!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

It's me again. I love your blog. It looks so professional!! I have a ways to go with mine. I am technologically challenged, but I'm getting there. Your girls are beautiful!! I can't believe it, but my girls wore Kelly Kids too. I used to host the parties and we racked up on clothes!!! I'm surprised that we didn't have that same dress. It looks like you are new to the blog world. I am too. Welcome! I will look forward to getting to know you better. I am about to bust to see Kelly's baby, Harper.
Love & blessings!

Sandra said...

This post totally pulled at my heart strings. I do still have "things and stuff" - i.e. Star Wars figurines, Millinieum Falcon, X-wing Starfighter, Ewok Village, Prom dresses, dance costumes, Fisher-Price kitchen w/ all accessories known to man, 3 American Girl Dolls w/ all accessories known to man, etc. You understand. Many clothes were donated because I read one time "It's greed to keep things when there are people in need" so boy I cleaned out big time and headed to the local shelters, Goodwill, etc. But many of the toys and costumes I am saving for {hopefully} future grandchildren ;-) I also have learned this - because my children are older than yours - the ravages of time will take a toil on many things so it makes it easier to dispose of them. {FYI - do not store books in plastic containers/keep them stored in bookshelves :-)} I like your blog!!

Mrs. Classic said...

Your blog is so cute! I wish my mom would start one as well. I love how you call your girls princesses.
Can't wait to see more!

Claremont First Ward said...

This then and now is so great......bittersweet though I'm sure.......and your yard. Absolutely fabulous!