Jul 31, 2011


I spent last night organizing photos of the beach house and trying to get before and afters together
while we watched The Fighter.
I want to make a photo book and also post them on here.
The Fighter was such a good movie, I only got part of what I was trying to do together.
Stay tuned.... 

Today we had a WONDERFUL day here at OIB.
(BUT) I will be sore tomorrow, if not sooner. 
I walked three miles and then ran maybe a mile this morning. 
 (I have really bad plantar faciitis and heel spurs in both feet so this is pretty good for me!! woo hoo!)

Just have to say I have a wonderful husband.
He wakes me up by bringing me coffee every morning.
Just recently he has started bringing me 3 A_vil along with the coffee!
I cannot tell you how much that helps so early in the morning.
In twenty minutes I am ready to move!!

Around noon Art and I kayaked down the waterway and up and down some other canals
looking at docks, we are going to re-do ours to make room for some water toys.
Going against the tide and current was tough. .

Just now I am back from biking to the end of the island..... and then walking and wading looking for shells... and then biking back.

Seriously, every part of me is tired right now, but it is a good tired.
A, I need a glass of wine tired.

So right now.... the girls are up to no good!
They say they are tired too.

They spent their day playing with the casting net, kayaking and reading. 

(Love how Charlie is almost passed out on the couch!
He did go for a short run with Art this morning and then for a long golf cart ride!
Life is tough when you are an Odom dog!)

Hope your weekend was a good one!

Jul 28, 2011


Tomorrow #3, my baby, will go to her last Driver's Ed class. I am still trying to figure out how that happened. I feel like she was just learning to ride a bike last year. She has had class all week. After that, we have to wait until she is called for the driving part of the class. There is a long waiting list and since her birthday isn't until January she probably will not drive until late Fall. After that she will be able to get her permit when she turns 15 on her birthday. We have had a little bit of a hard time getting up at 6:30 this week and have stumbled around some trying to remember our morning routine. We get very spoiled in the summer.

Finally #1 is finished with her summer classes at Carolina. Once you are admitted into the nursing school, you are in school full time until you finish. She does have some time off during the month of August and is so glad to be at home with everyone else. We plan on spending as much time at the beach as possible and are headed there tomorrow.

Since this is the first summer with the beach house, we have been learning and trying new things. The girls decided they were going to learn how to cast a net.

they started out on the grass

#3 perfected her skills

Our house is on a canal and so they gave it a whirl there. 

I love how Brooke, #2, is holding on to #3.

Pulling the net in and not getting it caught on the oysters
 is a lot harder than it looks. 

So hopeful!! 

What a catch!!!

Jul 15, 2011


The girls were full of excitement last night because they were 
headed to see the midnight showing of H__rry Potter. 

They were all dressed up for a night on the town and as it kept getting later and later,
slowly but surely the sweat pants came out. 

smart girls

I tried to take pictures, but they were having too much fun being silly and irritating me.

I went to bed around midnight - when the movie was starting.
They got home close to 3AM still excited and wanting to talk about it.
They love their Potter, but I love my sleep more! 
So I pulled out my wand and made them disappear. 

Jul 13, 2011


My cumputer has been threatening to crash and I am also out of space on my harddrive. 
I have over 22,000 photos on my computer and I have been spending all of my computer time making sure I have them all on discs and trying to free up some space.
 My Apple Time Machine  has not backed up my photos for several months
and so I have been in a pickle and a panic. For the past several weeks I have not been able to load any pictures. 

But anyhow....

Our summer is speeding right along.
Several months ago we signed the papers on a beach house and it has been so exciting!!!!
All spring and summer until now has been spent going back a forth every chance we get. 
We have completely revamped the place
have enjoyed every minute of it. 
We are having a ball and are so proud of it.

Here is a little tease of some of the things we have done.




I will share more house pictures later.

We spent the week of July 4th there
and we went to the parade the morning of the 4th.

It was so much fun watching all of the decorated golf carts go by.
I cannot wait until next year. We are already planning our theme.

Most "floats" threw out candy, but Charlie and Lola loved the one float that threw out dog treats! 

So many people took pictures of Lola. She sat on Brooke's lap with her July 4th
hairband on almost the entire parade.
She is the little diva of the family!

We went out on the boat everyday and all three girls got up on skies.
#1 and #2 have skied before, but #3 had not.
She got up on the third try and from then on there was no looking back.
I love my athletic girls!

We also did a lot of tubing.

The thing I love most about our house, isn't the house, but the people that fill it
and the time we spend together.