Jun 26, 2013


We are well into summer around here. 

#3, Barrett, is "all done" with her sophomore year and
 just yet.  

Here she is headed out on the last day of school.
She was loaded down.

During the school year she was an assistant in a second grade class. She wanted to do something special the teacher and decided on a French themed basket, complete with warm french bread, cheese, jams and napkins. She took the students in the class ice pops all bundled up in ribbons. She also baked cookies the night before to share with her friends during lunch. This has become a tradition for her.  She needed the pair of closed toe shoes for her Biology lab....somehow they fit into her packed purse.
Somewhere on her, she also has a couple bottles of water, her lunch and of course school books!

She had a great school year, but was so glad to see it come to an end. 
(me too)

AP biology was getting the best of her.
(and me)

She had straight A's going into the last quarter, but during the last quarter her Bio grade dropped to a B.
Her dad may have bribed her a wee little bit just to get her motivated enough to make it to the end.

She has always wanted to go to Italy
and her dad said he would take her if she could make it through the school
year with all A's.
(Of course, he is the one that really wants to go to Italy and just saw it as  an excuse!)

Well, she did it!
She is a straight A student again this year.
We hate talking about it around here because we don't want to jinx her or make it seem it is what we expect from her. She takes her school work seriously and has never made anything but A's. 
She makes her own "studying" decisions and in the end has earned her grades.
And yes, I am proud of her and not ashamed to say it. 
Next year will be harder though, she will have several AP classes to deal with.

I will be proud of her no matter what her grades are, because she is such a hard worker
 always does her best
has a great heart
is just so dang cute!

I am not sure when she (and her dad) will get that trip to Italy.
I don't even know if I am invited, but I heard them talking something
 about next spring break. 

Great job #3!


MCW said...

That is jus amazing! I am sure her classes are tough and keeping those A's takes a lot of hard work.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Congrats to #3! She is growing up so fast! I have to say that was the hardest thing having a straight A student once they get to the challenging classes and work their butts off for a B which in a non AP class would be a off the charts A. Way to go #3! Have a great summer!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Lisa, My word your girls are pretty...and smart too! You are incredibly blessed! Love your updates...AND her TB shoes!

just ask beth said...

I have a precious pure like that also.. she is so cute..my oldest will be a senior this year..and I am struggling.

dee said...

Yay, yay, yay all the way around! She is gorgeous- all three are.